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Engraved Pavers

Surfrider Beach Club
...Access to Timeshare Vacations on Sanibel Island...

December 6, 2022

Replay of Board Meetings can be found on the RAL Document Site, under Meeting Recordings.  The information has also been added to the FAQ.

Resort Docs
Please send questions or inquires for the SRBC Board to:

May 6, 2024

Our next Board Meeting will be held next Friday May 17TH at 1:00 PM via ZOOM. We will email out the Zoom info to everyone next week.

Resort Manager

February 16, 2024
                                                                       Remember our next Board Meeting will be
                                                                       held next Friday February 23rd at 1:00 PM via ZOOM.
                                                                       We will email out the Zoom info to everyone next week.

                                                                                                                             Resort Manager

February 12, 2024

Couple pictures from today. 
Demo company is moving along really quick.
They were at 203/103 by 10:00AM.

December 29, 2023

Hope everyone had the opportunity to spend time with their families during this holiday. 

We are still waiting for the Demo permit to be approved. It’s Sanibel so there are different surveys and applications to go through. Silt fence was put up this week.

Everyone should have received their 2024 statement by now, if you haven’t, please contact me. You have until January 31st to pay it.

A letter with a poll to rebuild or terminate association was mailed out and emailed last week, the Board of Directors requests that you please reply to that poll if you wish to have your preference considered. Poll will close no later than January 20th.

Happy New Year!

Resort Manager

November 22nd, 2023

The BOD held the Annual meeting of the Association on 11/17/2023 and conducted a scheduled board meeting immediately afterwards. The minutes for both meetings will be up on the RAL website soon.
We would like to thank Dennis Minder for the 12 years he served on the board. He will always be part of the Surfrider family.
Welcome to our newest board member Thomas DePaull. He has been an owner at Surfrider since its inception in the early 80’s. His father also served on the board for many years. His educational background includes a BS in Electrical Engineering and an MBA.

The landscape company did a good job trimming the palms and the vegetation on our setback, they also went ahead and trimmed the west side of our property along the fence. There was still some debris left in our setback from the hurricane so with the help of our board member Gordon Reeve, we cleaned it all up and pilled it in the property for the Demo Company to haul it away.

Resort Manager

November 10th, 2023

Due to the hurricane, our office manager Lynn Anklam was transitioned to a different resort. She is still working from the RAL offices until her resort opens.

I was out at the property today; Demo company is still salvaging the last couple of things. I spoke to the guy in charge, and he told me that they were working on the permit, he is going to give me a call before they do the demolition so I can go out there and take some pictures and videos. Also, the Landscape company started trimming the setback today, it will probably take them 2 to 3 days to get it done. 

A reminder that our Annual Board Meeting will be held next Friday November 17th, 2023, via ZOOM and at the RAL Office (1:00 PM). We will email out the Zoom info to everyone as soon as we get it.


Resort Manager

November 3rd, 2023

The board put together a letter with a lot of information that was sent out on Tuesday, hope you had a chance to read it because it will answer some of the questions you might have.

Demo Company has the green light to start. The demo permit takes about 2-3 weeks to get approval. In the meantime, they will be salvaging everything they can, which was part of the deal.

Make sure to check the Surfrider Weekly Update email from today (November 3, 2023) for instructions on how to fill a proxy/ballot.


Resort Manager

October 19th, 2023

Part of the deal that we had with the Demo Company was to have FEMA haul away all the debris. The State received FEMA funds for Hurricane Ian recovery. They collected applications for projects from local government agencies and considered the State’s needs overall. They included a 4th category, “if there was funding remaining” to support HOAs/private communities needs. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough funding to consider this category which includes us, therefore we had to rebid the job.

This morning John from RAL and I met with the contractor from the Demo Company that gave us the best price and did a walk through the property. He will be signing the contract next week, and they will start with the Demo permit as soon as they get the green light from us. The plan is to have the building demolished by the end of the year.


Resort Manager

​October 6th, 2023.

We will be mailing out the packet for the upcoming Annual Meeting (Nov. 17th) next week.

Our VEGETATION Permit got approved yesterday to trim setback, I will be contacting the landscape company so they can add Surfrider to their list.  

Resort Manager

September 25th, 2023.

This week will mark one year since hurricane Ian hit Florida and destroyed our beloved Surfrider. 
It destroyed it as a piece of property but I’m sure it made us stronger as a family. I truly believe that what makes Surfrider the amazing place everybody loves is the owners. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you enjoy a drink by the pool again soon (no glass lol).

There will be a couple of events held to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Hurricane:
-Thursday, September 28th at 7:00 a.m.
City of Sanibel ‘Hurricane Ian Sunrise Remembrance’ at the Lighthouse Beach Park, (153 Periwinkle Way)
-Saturday, September 30th from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sanibel Community House ‘Community Reunited’ at The Community House (2173 Periwinkle Way)

The Sanibel Island Farmers Market is returning to the island with its first event set for Oct. 1.


Resort Manager